Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Thanksgiving Part II

Well, after officiating a volleyball game at Southern, playing 1 1/2 hours of volleyball, and 1 hour of tennis I am back to finish the Thanksgiving Post. Today at Hardy I got a great workout, with 4 classes of kickball, 2 workout classes with jumping jacks, push-ups, stretching, and suicides.
On Sabbath afternoon we went to Salem Lake for a hike with the dogs, the 3rd of the week. It was pretty and a high of 48 (much warmer than for my parents in Plymouth, MI, where they had snow and temps. in the 30s for highs). I can't wait for some snow!!
Gregg and Carrie by the water.
In the woods with the dogs.
A great picture of us with the sunlight and Oreo.
A beautiful sunset on the lake Sabbath evening.
On Black Friday I went into the Bass Pro Shop with Gregg. It is huge!!
Gregg taking target practice.
Another self-portrait in my new authentic Toronto Blue Jays jersey!
The after church photos.
Sabbath was beautiful and we couldn't stay inside after lunch. There are so many more pictures to post as I took 224 pictures over break!! There will be more good pictures over Christmas Break with a trip back to Winston-Salem and likely FL as well!


Thanksgiving was a lot of fun as I went with Carrie to her parents and also to the Ford's on Thursday for a nice relaxing Thanksgiving. We did A LOT of shopping and walked the dogs a few times.

I rode with Jaclyn on Tuesday afternoon to the Cook's near Pisgah before riding with Carrie to her parents for the rest of the evening. This was a walk on Wednesday morning with the dogs.
Carrie, Jaclyn and Lindsey had Christmas in the parking lot of Ross!! It made for good pictures.
It was around 70 degrees on Wednesday and was way to warm for Christmas presents!!
Posing at the mall which was very nicley decorated for the Holidays!!
Carrie decided this guy deserved a penny for his costume!

Carrie washing Maggie after the walk and her getting in the water. Oreo was next in line for a bath.Carrie gave me a hair cut!! It looks good and she is now hired as my personal hair cutter!!Gregg and Cheri in front of the mall during shopping on Black Friday, the best day of the year.Another great picture at the mall.Carrie and I with another great self-portait!! Part II of the Thanksgiving trip will come soon.

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Fall Colors

This morning I decided that before the pretty leaves are all gone I should take some more photos. The low was 31 last night so it was nice and cold taking these pictures. This is the view toward University Dr.
The tree in our front yard next to the mailbox.
The front view of the house.
Trees in the Harr's front yard.
The basketball hoop and the prettiest tree currently in the yard.

The view down the street. The colors at pretty, but it is hard to see them.A nice cloud front.The nicest tree in the yard in the backyard.Another view of the tree.The driveway beside the house. It is supposed to be a pretty day today for a hike hopefully. Thanksgiving is just around the corner and I'll be going to Carrie's parents and the Ford's in Raleigh for one more time.

Wedding Plans

Last weekend was great fun with Carrie coming to visit. On Friday after school I ran into Ryan driving through the church parking lot and I went to hit some golf balls with him for awhile. Then we went and played football in the middle of the track with Jason and Carson, Katherine B., Adam L., Shelly H. and about 10 other Southern students. It was fun, but my Quarterback skills are definitely in need of improvement.
The fall colors are amazing right now and the sun was shining on the leaves here on Thursday night so I ran out to take a picture before I played basketball with Jessica and Ryan for an hour.
The Wellness Center at sunset on Friday. It is shaping up now and I'm excited to see the finished product whenever they are done. I have been seeing prints for this whole center and the gymnastics center since I was a Freshman at Southern.
On Sabbath afternoon we went to look at the Goliath Wall at Southern. It is a pretty scene for our wedding we think, so we are hoping to do it there next June 1!!
I used to bike in some trails just above this wall and I never dreamed I would be getting married below. It never used to be such a nice backdrop as they have carved out of the rock to make it the way it is now.

Here I am with Carrie at the base of the wall. Before going to the wall Jaclyn and Ryan came over for lunch and we watched some of our Alaska video from June of 2003. Then I went with Carrie to the mall and Barnes & Noble. We had supper at Moe's and then went home to watch a movie. On Sunday, we went to Ella's 4th Birthday Party in Calhoun, GA, and I had fun getting to hang out with Carrie's relatives. Unfortunately my batteries were dead when I attempted to turn on the camera when we got to the party. Luckily Carrie took a lot of good pictures.I took this picture at Hardy on Friday, November 9, and it was already this dark at 3:30 p.m. I though the clouds were pretty. This is from the side of the school where the staff park. The raised roof in the middle of the picture is where the gym is. The building is in the shape of an H for Hardy Elementary.

Thursday, November 08, 2007


On Thursday I played basketball with Ryan and Jessica for about 1 1/2 hours. Then after talking to Kwaku and Josh, two of my students from M.V.A. last year, I went and played tennis with Jason and another guy. Before the sports in the evening I got a lot done at home; paying bills, unpacking/ organizing my stuff, checking out sights to look at for our wedding this weekend, putting together a pump for school, and a little cleaning.

Here is Ryan tonight before we played basketball.
Jason gets ready for a good shot at the wall.
The follow-through.
Ready for the cold with 2 sweatshirts, gloves, and my snowboarding face mask I bought in Silverthorne, Colorado, at Gart Sports last March.
Volleying against the wall to warm-up. Right after we got there, another guy that goes to Southern came over and wanted to play. So we volleyed with him for awhile and then started playing singles, with the winner staying in. Then we decided it would be good to include everyone so we started playing one against two, like I have played before with Jason H. and Andrew. The person playing by themself always serves and the "set" is played to 10 points. When a player wins who is playing by themself, they earn 2 points. When the 2 players win who are playing together, they each earn 1 point. And the first person to reach 10 points is the winner. It was fun.

It is hard to even see who is hitting this ball during warm-ups. I had not played tennis for awhile because of my right foot and ankle. It has been good to get back and out play basketball and tennis the last 2 evenings. Too bad John is already back in South Korea.The wind-up for a shot. I was getting my serves in really well and even though the temperature was in the low 40s it was fun and I warmed up after we started playing, so much that I took off my 2nd sweatshirt. Tomorrow Carrie is coming for the weekend!! It has been way too long since I have seen her; about 2 weeks. Happy Birthday Cherri!! I hope you had a good day and have fun this weekend with everybody. I'll see you guys in a few weeks for Thanksgiving.

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Wednesday Night Tip-Off

It was nice to finally be out on the basketball court again after taking it easy on my foot and ankle for awhile. It is still a little sore but is feeling better.
Dribbling before the shot.
I was beginning to wonder if I would ever play basketball with Eric at the new house down the street after he has moved near Target. So to have both Eric and Jason there tonight for awhile was fun!
Eric taking a shot. He likes this court better than the one 4 houses down the street because this one is flast and he is not always rolling down the drive.
Taking a jump shot. After Jason left to play his Intramural football game, we took some pictures before it got really dark.
Going in for the lay-up.
Dribbling away.

Going in for the dunk.It was a fun time and now I'm watching the San Antonio Spurs lead the Miami Heat 65-60 early in the 4th quarter on NBA Wednesday. It is nice having Triple Play with ComCast to be able to see a few more sports game this year.